Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tea Towels

Tea towels - ah how I love thee

I'm becoming quite the tea towel addict/user/abuser of late
there are a million and one uses to which I put them a thousand and one times a day. I can't seem to get enough of them and blow through my pile daily with abandon

and they add nice color and variety to the kitchen scenery :)


In an effort to truly test out the new oven on more then a casserole (of which there have been many lately) I have decided to use my lazy lazy Sunday to make: Bread!
nothing better then the smell of bread baking - so homey

I have two bananas about to go off so some kind of banana bread (quick bread) is in order and some kind of rolls I do believe.

The banana bread recipe is from The Fresh Loaf
Love me The Fresh Loaf :)

and the dinner roll recipe I decided to try is from Recipezaar: Delectable Dinner Rolls

I'll post pics of the finished yumminess

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Move -we have successfully moved. Packing a house and moving is a pain and exhausting and argh! inducing but we have succeeded and now - we unpack
boxes - and crates and more boxes.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Swap-bot = renewl of creative crafty-ness

Swap-bot has become my latest time sink/mail obsession. On the plus side it has me doing all kinds of things I had not done in a long time (papercutting, stamping, being creative and social). Good fun :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Things that make me smile

1)The Muppet
2)The "kids" - Doggy - Murphy and Kitties - Shiva + Ozymandius
3)Freesias (fav. flowers)
4)My garlic keep (how cute is that!)

5)mail (the snail mail variety)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bead Sprites

So the Muppet♥ (yes I live with a full grown muppet -that's him over there (Sweetums from the JimHenson Muppet crew -thanks to muppetwiki for image)) and I have recently begun dabbling in making Bead Sprites from Perler/Hama Beads. You basically construct your image then iron the beads to fuse them together into a lasting image. Fun, easy and tons of video game applications (which makes the Muppet very happy - he has a thing for the vid-ia) So eventually when I upload my pictures they will start appearing here.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cherry Scones

mmmm mmm mmmm cherry scones -

I use Nigella Lawson's recipe from "How to be a Domestic Goddess" - such a good scone recipe mmm mmm mmm :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Video Game

Video Game inspiration - yes I have been viewing lots of cross stitch and perler bead creations to do with video game images - and I keep hearing "You can make that, I'll let you" in the about subtle hints

Christmas Cross stich Ornament

Finally finished a little ornament I have had kicking around forever - is two toy soldiers

It's funny when I actually stitch projects go so much faster - my problem is I just move them around a lot and don't actually get to working on them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Craft - Cross stitch

An old cross stitch that hangs on the kitchen entry wall


This pumpkin trifle was made at Thanksgiving time - yes I know it is out of line with the rest but I finally got the picture on here - and it is yummy. The recipe is off of Food Network and is a slightly different version but yea - gingerbread, gingersnaps and pumpkin for the win.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today we get our new stove *HURRAY* It will cook evenly - and bake evenly - what a novelty
also-it will not sound like a time bomb about to explode.

this one